In order to secure a beneficial result, due precautions must
be taken not to administer hellebore in cloudy weather; for if
given at such a time, it is sure to be productive of excruciating
agonies. Indeed there is no doubt that summer is a better
time for giving it than winter: the body too, by an abstinence
from wine, must be prepared for it seven days previously,
emetics being taken on the fourth and third days before, and
At the end of about four hours it generally begins to be brought up again; and within seven it has operated to the full extent. Administered in this manner, it is good for epilepsy, as already[2] stated, vertigo, melancholy, insanity, delirium, white elephantiasis, leprosy, tetanus, palsy, gout, dropsy, incipient tympanitis, stomachic affections, cynic spasms,[3] sciatica, quartan fevers which defy all other treatment, chronic coughs, flatulency, and recurrent grippings in the bowels.